Monday, November 22, 2010

Royal Roadtrip: Day 4

When you pile this many people onto a bus and fill them with liquor, it's hard to find the sense of humor in this sign.
Coffeepot didn't believe us when we said we didn't need to wait for a rest stop.  Are you kidding?  I said, "I HAVE TO PEE! PULL THE FUCK OVER NOW!"  And like a bunch of clowns climbing out of a pacer we lined those asses up roadside for a good ol' squat and wave.  That man on the motercycle nearly ate asphalt at the sight and I'm pretty sure I saw a little old lady slap her husband to make sure he kept his eyes on the road.

We spent the entire morning enjoying the sights and 'smells' at a nearby recreational area.

Afterwards, I vaguely recall hyjacking a FritoLay truck and holding him hostage.  Thankfully, with all the ladies having withdrawls from their 'extracurriculars' he was easily convinced not to call the authorities.  A few BJ's later and we were fully stocked in the munchie department.

The Queen gave us all a tour of this facility and hinted at a new rewards/tuition program she'd be starting up as soon as we all returned to work!

And since everyone seems to be so concerned about how the gators are doing back home, I got a special gift for Miss C to hang up when we get home.

So far, I think everyone has managed to keep all their fingers and toes... though a few brain cells have probably been lost forever.

Don't forget to check out the road trip stories from the rest of The Royals.

Have a great Monday!


  1. Funny thing is, the Bong Rec. Area is literally 25 miles from my house

  2. We should have known that... ha ha..

  3. Happy Thanksgiving girl! I Heart you!

  4. Ha! Love the sign. I need to do that here. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  5. I feel as though I need formal permission to follow you...not that I in any way expect you to follow me but so you know who your newest stalker is, I'm at

    Thanks for the inspiration.
