Sunday, November 21, 2010

Royal Roadtrip: Day 3

I think it's Sunday.  Is it Sunday?  If it's not Sunday we're definately going to hell!

Y'all know I'm not a church going woman, but I'm pretty sure this roadtrip is considered a sinful on every level.  I'm dragging your asses to confession!!

And frankly... this is the only church I could find that looked that they might be forgiving of our actions!  Get your asses in there and REPENT!

Ya... you too!!
Put that out before you go in there!  Jesus tits on a biscuit!!
Good!  Now that we've gotten that over with...
Amy needs to reload our stash since we seem to be getting a bit low.
Next stop...

And then hold on to your horses ladies!!

We're making a stop here so we can all gear up! 

Hope you had a wonderful weekend! 
If you're the church going type, you might say a special prayer for the Royals' today.
If you're not a church going type, no worries!  With the way this weeks going, Hell will be full of great company. *wink-grin*


  1. God, wasn't Dildo just the funnest towns?

  2. Sorry I had to skip out before y'all went to church. Had to fly home for the Spawn of Satan's 16th birthday. Probably a good thing. Last time I ventured into a church, the walls fell down and the goddamn priest tried to drown me in holy water.
